About Me

Hello world!

I’m an undergraduate student studying international relations and modern languages at San Francisco State University. My research interests are nationalism, critical security studies, and terrorism, concentrating in Greater China and Western Europe. I am also currently learning Python and R!


Year Conference Title
2022 College of Liberal and Creative Arts Undergraduate Research Showcase “Juicy Girls” and Camptowns: Examining the Bond Between American Military Bases and Sex Trafficking


  1. Critical Language Scholarship (Virtual 2022, Dalian)
    • Attended 8 weeks of intensive advanced Chinese language classes hosted by Dalian University of Technology
    • Conducted two presentations on sustainable development goals and methods
    • Memorized and recited 春江花月夜 by 張若虛 at student performance exhibition
  2. Steve Postle Memorial Scholarship, New Haven Schools Foundation, $1000.

Page design by Ankit Sultana